Dr. Daintee Jones-Clark, Pastor Nate Clark, and Bishop Harold Gentry participate in the second annual APIRT celebration in April, 2018 to celebrate Pearland's first responders at Majestic Christian Center.
Dr. Daintee G. Jones-Clark, and her husband, Pastor Nate Clark spoke on March 8, 2018 for Mosaic Organization. The presentation was called "Presenting One's Best Self". They thank Bridgette Sellers, Stacy Halley, and Lori Baum for helping to make this event possible.
![]() The Dignity in Direction Group partners with the Houston Coding Boot Camp powered by the University of Texas. Dr. Daintee G. Jones now serves on the advisory board for The Houston Coding Boot Camp. https://codingbootcamp.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=6df33374-e9d8-46db-8e7b-0706df837689 |
![]() Dr. Daintee G. Jones presented "Surviving Survivor's Remorse with Magic within The First Noel" at the Ensemble Theater on October 11, 2016. She is pictured with Mr. Patdro Harris, the director of The First Noel.
![]() Drs. Daintee G. Jones and Toneisha Taylor co-chaired a roundtable discussion entitled "Deconstructing a Diaspora Deferred: Teaching the Diaspora to the Millennial Student" at the 2016 College Language Association - http://www.clascholars.org/conference. The other panel participants are Dr. DeLinda Marzette and Instructor Dione Sibley. Clicking on the CLA logo will take you to the organization's webpage.
![]() (April 2016) - Dr. Daintee G. Jones, along with Master Devin Bering, volunteers to wash feet and give away shoes for a Samaritan's Feet event held at the Community of Faith Church at 1024 Pinemont Street. http://samaritansfeet.org. Clicking on the Community of Faith logo will take you to the church's webpage. To read more about the event, click on our Blog button on the top menu ruler.
![]() Texas Southern University Ollington Smith Playhouse (March 2016) - Dr. Daintee G. Jones presented a lecture to the performers of Celeste Bedford-Walker's play called Once Upon a Wife Time. Jones' presentation was titled Once Upon a Wife Time: War Games in a Pan-Africanist Fairy Tale. Clicking on the 'Once in a Wifetime' logo will take you to TSU's Theatre Department News and Events page. ________________________________________________________ DREAM 2016 - (February 2016) - Dr. Daintee G. Jones and Ms. Ebony Young showed a tabletop presentation (The Learning Commons & Tutoring Center Department: A Radical Change Agent in Navigating Educational Resources) at the Achieve the Dream conference in Atlanta, Georgia. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Daintee G. Jones was asked to speak at New Jerusalem Whole Truth Church for their 2015 Singles and Single Parents Conference. She is grateful to Apostle Lee Gaddie, Prophetess Gaddie, Brenda Davis Samuel, and Sheila Davis Howard for allowing her to share her inspirational presentation titled Game Changers. |
HISD honor (February 2015) - Dr. Daintee G. Jones was featured as an alumna of note in the arts by Houston Independent School District. She is a playwright (Widowed and Lana's Wings), dramaturg, actress, singer, and producer. Her theater group is called Dignity Players: A Grown-Folks Troupe.
Houston Independent School District February 27, 2015 · Celebrating the #arts for #BlackHistoryMonth #professor Dr Daintee Glover Jones is #playwright and #producer of Widowed and Lana's Wings. She is ...a #singer #songwriter #lightingdesigner #dramaturg #minister and #founder of The Dignity in Direction Group. @MadisonMarlins @TET_Houston #MadisonHighSchool |